My Story.

Hello, I’m keisha.

I am a passionate nutritionist, wellness coach and writer, whose personal journey in healing cyclic hormonal and digestive challenges have led me to study both nutrition and menstruality, so that I can bring balance and empowerment to women and menstruators around the world.

Here is my story:

My native language is empathy. I have deeply felt, seen and heard the complexity of being a woman. I have witnessed the innate fluidity, changeability of women, and the vast array of health challenges that can arise and evolve on a monthly basis and over the course of decades. 

I am one of 7 sisters, so all things female have always  been a natural part of my life, and blood. I grew up on a community farm on the South Coast of NSW, with my many siblings, seriously hippie-vibe parents, animals, 9 other families and the Australian bush that surrounded us.

My childhood was literally; a simple healthy breakfast, raking up grass, washing up, then packing a bag full of oranges, and adventuring in the bush with my sisters till dark. If the sun wasn’t shining directly on our old-school solar panels, then we rarely had electricity. At night, we were either camping outside in the rickety cubbyhouse, watching the crackling flames of the woodfire stove or reading books by candlelight.

I distinctly remember a knowing, that I existed as a part of nature, and that it was nature that beat through my heart, and buried and wove deep into the roots of my soul. Little did I know that my eccentric beginning, whilst admittedly embarrassing at the time, was fertile soil to develop the Feminine psyche.

Understanding myself as a highly senstive woman.

My journey to becoming a menstrual cycle and nutrition advocate, seeded in those early years. My greatest challenge, as I moved out of childhood into adolescence and through young adulthood was trying to understand myself as a highly sensitive person, and my emotions that spiked and dipped throughout the month. I was struggling with anxiety, and felt controlled by my internal experiences, as well as the strong emotion of others.

Ovulation was the trickiest time for me. At times I went into what seemed like a kind of trance state, and I actually thought at some point in my twenties, that I was losing my mind. This, coupled with debilitating digestive challenges, laid the foundation for deep investigation into the workings of the mind and body, which resulted in my passion for nutrition, menstruality and wholistic women’s health.

Studying nutrition.

Discovering neuroscience, the endocrine system and using food as medicine, were beyond life changing. I started to chart my cycle and apply my health science learnings, and began to observe patterns in my mental state, my emotion and my body. Later I discovered deeper consistencies in my intuition, sense of boundaries, creativity, energy, productivity, sensuality and expanded states of consciousness. When I realised that I was not broken, but imbalanced and cyclic, I started to heal.

I studied nutrition at university, which created the groundwork to my knowledge, but realised that my own body was also my teacher and that I needed to learn to listen. I became fascinated by the concepts of genetic memory and epigenetics and endeavoured to tap into my biological intelligence as well as curate wellbeing through solidifying healthy, restorative life habits.

My guiding truth is that we are our own medicine.

Layer by layer, month my month, I tried to hear the communications of my body, and started to develop an intuitive sense of what I was needing, physically and psychologically in each moment. And so here I am now, with a big mission to guide women to look to their beautiful, genius bodies and listen.

My guiding truth is that we are our own medicine. My purpose in our collaboration is to support you to re-member your innate intelligence through embodied cycle awareness and using nutrition and lifestyle to live peacefully and purposefully. Through your blossoming we take action in awakening the collective and carve the way for global reclamation of cyclical living.

Keisha xx


Menstrual cycle hormones.


What is Menstruality?